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No Bond - hållbart fett
Ikon vit

N O BOND - durable fat

We have chosen to use fat from cattle in our skin cream. Fat is categorized according to its structure. Saturated fats have no so-called double bonds in their carbon chains. It makes saturated fat stable and firm. This makes it resistant to heat, direct sunlight and oxygen, which in the less stable fats such as vegetable oils can cause free radicals and thus do more harm than good.

The high proportion of saturated fat without bonds (in chemical language) has given inspiration to our brand.

No Bond - till industrin
No Bond Beauty dots

N O BOND - to industry

It is important for us to be able to contribute to a sustainable and climate-friendly society. Industries in food, cosmetics and fashion place a heavy burden on the environment. Our contribution is to start from raw materials that basically give back to nature, can be produced organically. Minimum processed  with minimal involvement of industrial machinery, fossil fuels and chemical additives.

We start from research, science and evolution . We strive not to be influenced by current trends and the industry. It has inspired our brand.


No Bond - beauty enligt oss
Ikon vit

NO BOND - the way we define beauty

We are convinced that beauty comes from within. An expression that over time has taken a new meaning for us. Filled with insight into biochemistry and the importance of nutrition for health.

We have personally experienced improved skin, hair and nails by giving our body natural, unprocessed and nutritious food that the body recognizes.

Beauty starts on the inside. However, we can give it an extra boost by giving the skin bioavailable skin food from the outside. In our search for the optimal nourishment of the skin, we found tallow.

No Bond Beauty - Naturlig hudvård enligt oss


What does natural skin care really mean and who decides what can be called natural. There is currently no precise definition. We are part of the industry organization NOC, which represents producers and entrepreneurs who want to work with raw materials and products that are considered to be as natural as possible.

For us, natural means something that is as little processed as possible and with as few or preferably no elements of additives, texture agents, preservatives or anything else that can distort, change or remove texture, content or the natural properties and composition of the raw material.

Our products are based on several food-grade ingredients, where tallow and olive oil make up the largest amount in the finished product. We consider it natural to be able to eat your skin care. Even more natural when it is a raw material that can be eaten in its natural state without being processed.

We use ingredients and raw materials that are organic as much as we can. This does not always mean natural, we think, but where it is possible to combine, we strive for organic. However, we have chosen not to buy the industry's certificates and labels to emphasize that it is organic. We strongly believe in telling you how we see natural and why we choose to call it natural.


Like all production and sales of cosmetics in Sweden and the rest of the EU, it is required to follow Good Manufacturing Practice to maintain quality and safety.


All No Bond Beauty products are developed and approved in collaboration with a chemist. The products are legally registered in the EU cosmetics register CPNP.


Our ingredients are so pure and natural that they are classified as food. If it were not for the essential oils, you can eat our skin products. That is what we want to strive for;


Only feed your skin with things you could feed yourself with!

Emblem Natural Organic Cosmetic

No Bond Beauty is a quality assured brand both at NOC Sweden och Rekokollen. We meet their tough criteria's for unprocessed natural skin care.

Emblem Rekokollen
Vi är No Bond Beauty
Sandra och Jannica, grundarna av No Bond Beauty


With a burning interest in health and natural food, Jannica has also found nourishment for the outside. Together with Sandra, No Bond Beauty has emerged. Jannica houses our manufacturing premises and takes care of sales and marketing. On the side of the skin cream industry, the focus is on education in diet and exercise.

No Bond Beauty Logotyp

© No Bond Beauty 2020

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